
Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results

BACK TO WORK! · 7:45pm May 4th, 2017

All right; all done with finals -- which means I can get back to focusing on other stuff! Of course, that includes What Lies Within. I've already made some progress on the next chapter and I have some stuff planned out (though it's probably going to change; it always does) so I can just focus on actually putting (figurative) pen to (figurative) paper!


Update · 5:56pm Oct 2nd, 2017

Hey guys, Requiem here. I know -- been a while.

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First Blog Post: The Catchy Title Goes Here! · 4:53am Apr 3rd, 2017

Hi, everyone! Rebellious_Requiem here! I'll have to come up with a catchy nickname at some point so I don't have to type that out every time. Anyway; I just published the second part of What Lies Within which concludes the Duel between Onyx and Buster and actually inches closer to the main plot of the story. I made this FiMFic account for the express purpose of posting that one story after being inspired to start on it, so I'm not sure exactly how active I'll be in the ideal world where

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Short Hiatus · 10:37pm Apr 17th, 2017

Just wanted to toss a quick blurb on here saying that I'm going on a little break from FiMFiction (I know I just got here, but still!) until I finish up with school. I've always been bad with multitasking and juggling multiple sets of responsibilities, so I'll wait until I'm ready to put as much effort into What Lies Within as I think it deserves. Until then!


Minor Fix! · 3:50am Apr 22nd, 2017

So it turns out you can only use one copy of Shade Brigandine per turn. Must have missed that last line while I was reading it... all those hundreds of times. Whoops. The first bit of What Lies Within is now a bit different than it was before to account for this oversight, but it changes almost nothing as a whole.

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No Update? · 5:25am Apr 14th, 2017

Yes; it's as the title says -- there was no update for What Lies Within in the last week. The latest part's in the making, of course, but school's running me ragged now that I'm down to the last two weeks of the semester and my writing motivation has been directed at my English class since I get graded for those works and not the ones (er, one) I do here.

I'll get back to work soon, but please be patient with me until then.


Happy Late New Year! · 6:17am Jan 11th, 2018

I'll see you all again with actual content in about... uh, June? July?? Just based on my current pace, I mean.



I'm All Out of Clever Titles · 12:01pm Dec 22nd, 2017

I don't mean to imply that my titles were ever that creative, only that I just have no idea what to call this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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What Lies Within? Certainly not a whole lot of card games, oddly enough! · 9:57am Apr 7th, 2017

The way my outline for What Lies Within has been going there won't be another major Duel for a while. Also the chapters keep being really long for my standards; aside from "In the Dark" but that's more of a tension-builder than anything else. Did it work as one of those? I sure hope so. I did my best. Next up as of now is... some more talking; while I work my way up to the rest of the plot stuff I have planned.

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Viewing 1 - 9 of 9 results